How Much Does It Cost To Get My Dog Microchipped

How Much Does It Cost To Get My Dog Microchipped

How Much Does It Cost To Get My Dog Microchipped – In this blog post, we’ll go over some frequently asked questions about the cost, efficacy and effectiveness of pet microchips, and how they work to help you rehome your dog or cat.

Microchips, also known as transponders, identify pets that have been taken or lost and help reunite them with their owners.

How Much Does It Cost To Get My Dog Microchipped

How Much Does It Cost To Get My Dog Microchipped

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) defines microchips as small electronic chips that are enclosed in a glass cylinder. They are about the size of a grain of rice. High tech, right?

Adopt, Don’t Buy And Save $2,000 By Doing So!

Although microchips are small electronic devices, they do not require a battery to operate. Microchips remain inactive until activated by the microchip scanner’s radio frequency (so no, they are not tracking devices and do not work like GPS).

If the ID number is registered with a microchip company or other microchip registry, one can easily look up the pet owner’s contact information and phone number.

Branded Research for Outward Hounds surveyed 7,960 pet parents to find out how microchipped their pets actually are. Here’s what we learned:

Microchipping a pet is not expensive. The average cost to microchip your dog is about $50. This includes the injection process as well as microchip registration.

How To Manage Pet’s Microchip Information

There is no annual fee to microchip your pet. A pet microchip is a small price to pay for peace of mind in the event that your dog or cat gets lost without a collar and tags.

Microchipping is a quick, painless procedure that requires no sedation or anesthesia for implantation and can be performed at most local veterinary offices. Your vet will inject it under your pet’s skin between the shoulder blades with a hypodermic needle.

If you have a puppy that needs to be spayed or neutered, you can request that they receive a microchip injection during this appointment since they will already be under anesthesia.

How Much Does It Cost To Get My Dog Microchipped

The microchip implantation process is as routine as vaccinations and the microchips are designed to last for up to 25 years! One and done.

Here’s How Much It Costs To Microchip A Dog (on Average)

Although microchipping has many benefits, you should not rely on microchips alone to recover a lost pet. A microchip is a backup method of identifying a pet and its owner. This is not a replacement for a collar and tag, but in cases where a lost dog goes missing without its normal identification tag.

Register your pet with a microchip company as soon as you get home. Better yet, do it at the vet’s office with your smartphone so you don’t forget later. If you change or get a new phone number, you will need to update your company contact information.

If you see a lost pet and it doesn’t have identification, there are several places you can check for a microchip in the microchip database. Animal shelters, veterinarians, animal hospitals, and some pet stores have scanners that they use to check the microchip number.

If one is found, they will look it up in the national pet recovery database. If the microchip is not found and you cannot find the pet’s parents yourself, take the pet to your local animal shelter.

Everything You Need To Know About Microchipping Your Cat

Dr. Linda Simon, veterinary surgeon and consultant at Five Barkshold Outward Hound, gives her first-hand account of reuniting pets with their families –

One day a cat came to his clinic with a facial injury from a fight with another cat.

“She lived on the council estate next door for many years and was looked after by the locals, who called her ‘The Snowman’,” said Dr. Simon said.

How Much Does It Cost To Get My Dog Microchipped

“We cleaned him up and treated his wounds like we would any animal, we also scanned for a chip. We were surprised to see one because we knew it had been living on the streets for a long time. We contacted the owners who told us that Barfi ran away five years ago and then they went home a few months later. They were convinced that she had been run over by a car and crashed. The owners came to pick it up the same day and as far as I know it is still with them today.

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“A study of more than 7,700 stray animals at animal shelters showed that dogs without microchips were returned to their owners 21.9 percent of the time, while dogs with microchips were returned to their owners 52.2 percent of the time. Cats without microchips were returned to their owners. Owners only 1.8% of the time, while cats with microchips were rehomed 38.5% of the time (Lord et al.  

Whenever a lost, stray or abandoned animal is brought to our clinic, we first scan for a chip. There is a relief we all feel if a chip is found. We know that this means that the animal has a good chance of being reunited with its owner.

The cost of microchipping for small pets is well worth it. You can protect your pet and help rehome other pets with a microchip. It’s an inexpensive, low-risk way to ensure that your furry friend finds his way back to you, his rightful owner.

Don’t forget to inform your pup about their vaccinations and monthly heartworm prevention! To read about the life-threatening dangers of heartworm disease, read: How to Protect Yourself from Heartworm Disease in Dogs A pet is more than just an animal; This is your favorite family member. As pet owners, losing our beloved friends is our worst nightmare. This is where microchipping plays a key role. This guide will tell you everything you need to know about microchipping your dog. 

Cost Of Microchipping A Dog: Factors, Procedures Explained

A microchip is a small device, about the size of a grain of rice, that contains a unique identification number. When a lost pet is found and taken to a vet or animal shelter, a special scanner reads this number, which is then checked against a database. It helps the pet bond with its owner. This is a simple yet very effective way to ensure the safety of your pet. 

The cost of a microchipped dog can vary depending on the brand, location and vet you choose. On average, the price can range from $25 to $75. It’s a small price to pay for priceless peace of mind.  

Dogs can be neutered at any age. However, many doctors recommend giving it at the time of the first vaccination, usually around 7-8 weeks of age. 

How Much Does It Cost To Get My Dog Microchipped

A common misconception about a dog chip is that it works like a GPS device. A microchip provides a unique identification number, but it will not give you your pet’s live location. For GPS tracking, you will need to invest in a separate GPS collar. 

How Much Does Microchipping A Dog At Petsmart Cost? (2024 Update)

Microchipping of pets is mandatory in many parts of Canada. For example, if you are planning to get a dog license in Vancouver, microchipping your pet is one of the prerequisites. 

In Canada, pet owners are encouraged to follow certain legal requirements to ensure the safety and identification of their pets. First, they must provide two different forms of identification for their animals. A common method is to securely attach a collar and tag to the pet, which should clearly display the owner’s home phone number and address, ensuring immediate contact if the pet is found. 

Additionally, for instances where pets may slip or lose their collars, a form of permanent identification such as a microchip or tattoo is highly recommended. This permanent ID acts as an irreplaceable tag, making it easy to track pets to their owners. Schedule an appointment with a Kelowna veterinarian to have your pet microchipped or tattooed to confirm the animal’s identification process. 

EDAP microchips are one of the most popular options for pet owners in Canada. Once your dog is microchipped, a unique identification number must be recorded in the pet registry. British Columbia Pet Registry or BC Pet Registry is a reliable option for British Columbians. However, always refer to the instructions given by your veterinarian. 

How Much Does It Cost To Microchip A Dog?

Always consult a trusted Kelowna veterinarian, such as Spall & Harvey Veterinary, to discuss any concerns. 

If your dog ever gets lost, a microchip serves as a ray of hope. When someone finds your pet, a quick scan at any Kelowna Animal Hospital or Kelowna Veterinary Emergency will reveal a unique ID. Once identified, the doctor can contact the BC Pet Registry, or any registry of your choice, so you can have a happy visit. 

The procedure is quick and causes minimal discomfort like vaccination. Pet vaccination clinics like Spall and Harvey will make sure the process is as painless as possible for your beloved pet. 

How Much Does It Cost To Get My Dog Microchipped

At Spall & Harvey Animal Hospital, we make your pet’s health and well-being a priority. As one of Kelowna’s leading veterinarians, our team is dedicated to providing first-class care. Whether you’re looking for microchipping in Kelowna or have other concerns regarding your pet’s health, we’re here to help. Many pet parents microchip their pets because it is a cost-effective and easy way to keep them more secure. In some parts of the world, such as the UK and Australia, microchipping your pet is not a luxury, but a legal requirement of ownership.

Should You Microchip Your Pet?

In general, the cost of microchipping is relatively low.

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