Vacations For Singles With Dogs

Vacations For Singles With Dogs

Vacations For Singles With Dogs – Thinking of taking your dog from Singapore to Europe? ARRRFF, smell my Singaporean friend Little Coco Beans wet nose!

That I left my mark all over Europe. Since I started my nomadic journey, I have returned to Europe every year, and during the epidemic I even lived alone in Catalonia. Before my first flight to Paris in 2016, there were very few dog walking blogs or dog walking. International dog travel seems to be on the rise these days, and adopting dogs in Europe is nothing new. For Americans like me and my folks, traveling back to Europe is an easy task with basic documents.

Vacations For Singles With Dogs

Vacations For Singles With Dogs

However, in countries with strict dog import requirements, such as Singapore, traveling to Europe with a dog is difficult and requires careful planning. Therefore, traveling to and from Singapore is a long journey that only those can undertake

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Dare to dare My tail is wagging as I worry about what happened to my love from Singapore, Little Coco Beans, a bean that flew around the world to Frankfurt, Germany and took 5 E.U. country and successfully returned to Singapore WITHOUT detention. Keep sniffing to learn about Coco

Little Coco Beans is a 3.2 kg (7 lb) toy poodle adopted at an early age.

Life in singapore. He is so spoiled that he sleeps with idiots, has his own pantry in the fridge and even his own closet in the study! During the previous reception

These days, Coco sleeps in a comfortable dog bed or a large human bed. And the house in the refrigerator is loaded with fresh food and homemade recipes, from eating to cooking, always stocked with all the dining and dining rooms to satisfy this little one’s appetite.

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, Helen and her husband do everything they can to control her diet in the hope that she will stay healthy forever

He is the main inspiration for Helena’s everyday life, he gives her a reason to get up to work every day. Helen strives to give him the best health, delicious food and a luxurious life full of beautiful clothes, beautiful spa treatments, good food and weekend getaways. Inappropriate

, these two are inseparable! Helen loves it when Coco looks lovingly into the adorable puppy eyes, it warms her heart. 🙂

Vacations For Singles With Dogs

The process took Helen about four months. As you can imagine, there is a LOT of paperwork and health requirements to follow in Europe and Singapore. Helen had to make sure Coco got used to her carrier on long-haul flights, which meant spending time on carrier training. Luckily, Coco has been potty trained since she was a baby, so she can often pee and poop when she wants to. Therefore, he did not have any problems on the plane, as he relaxed in the airport toilet before boarding the plane.

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Due to strict quarantine checks such as rabies vaccination, rabies serological test and all the documents, many sleepless nights were spent checking the quarantine requirements. This was an important step as they did not want to risk Coco being transferred to another country and/or going home to Singapore. Many countries require rabies vaccinations, annual vaccinations, etc. before his arrival. Therefore, if you plan to take your dog abroad, make sure that all the documents are filled out correctly.

For Helena, the most difficult step was creating a time map and digesting foreign and Singaporean documents.

After all, the last thing you want is for Coco to be installed when you return to Singapore (or unable to enter another country upon arrival) due to a lack of requirements.

For example, circumstances beyond your control cause another problem. You cannot predict or control how your dog will react and feel uncomfortable with constant engine noise due to increased wind or high sensitivity. In addition, dogs must behave on the plane (no barking or whining) and must remain in the pet carrier for the duration of the flight. Also, you don’t know if your front, back or side neighbors take care of dogs. They can give you difficulties. 🙁

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In addition, Helen and her husband had to find pet-friendly accommodation in Europe, as not all hotels accept dogs. Fortunately, around 70% of hotels in Europe have been found to be dog-friendly, which makes things easier.

Consider that you’ll need to plan ahead for Coco’s meals since she’s on a raw or homemade diet. But that means they have to find accommodation with a small kitchen that can store food well in the hotel fridge.

First you need to microchip your dog. Microchip implantation can be done at any licensed veterinarian for a nominal fee. A microchip is a unique, permanent identifier that permanently links your name and contact information to your dog.

Vacations For Singles With Dogs

After the dog is microchipped, the next step is to vaccinate against rabies. The rabies vaccine must be given AFTER the microchip is implanted, NOT before. The minimum protection period is 21 days before your dog arrives in the EU. Your dog must be at least 12 weeks old (although there are some exceptions for small dogs).

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Because Singapore is on the list, your dog will not be blood tested for rabies to enter the EU.

Usually, a licensed veterinarian can issue a pet certificate for an animal at the office – be sure to ask. If not, you will need to print out the certificate and take it to your vet to complete. Be sure to print the appropriate health certificate for your country of origin before visiting the vet. Also, make sure the certificate is for non-commercial animals.

If you are traveling from a non-EU country such as Singapore, your dog must have an EU animal health certificate issued by a government veterinarian in the country of departure no later than 10 days before your dog’s arrival in the EU.

The certificate is valid for travel between EU countries for four months or until the end of the rabies vaccine, whichever comes first.

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You must also complete and attach to your pet’s EU veterinary certificate a written statement stating that the transfer is for non-commercial purposes. This notification is also mandatory if your pet is traveling under the responsibility of your authorized person. In this case, your pet must be found again within five days of the move.

If you are traveling with your dog to Finland, Ireland, Malta, Norway or Northern Ireland, you must be treated for Echinococcus tapeworm 24-120 hours before travel. All treatments must be included in the pet’s passport or EU health certificate.

Helen and her husband were relieved and proud that Coco had handled the plane well. Unlike other crying babies or crazy children, he did not cause noise or discomfort to other passengers. In fact, some passengers didn’t even know Coco was on the plane until it was time to disembark!

Vacations For Singles With Dogs

Because Coco is not an assistance dog or emotional support animal (ESA), she had to stay in the pet carrier during the 13-hour flight to Germany, which she did, except when she was taken to the bathroom to pee. He’s usually a dog, which means he likes to lie around, daydream, and not do much around the house (except watch Helen work). He is a low-energy dog, and Helen believes this makes him easy to take on long flights. If your dog is hyperactive, territorial, or easily offended, you may want to take your dog outside.

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Coco arrived in Frankfurt with her family, rented an SUV and drove around Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria and Liechtenstein. A total of 5 countries in 3 weeks!

Coco’s memorable moment in Europe was Jungfraujoch (Switzerland), the continent’s highest railway station at 3,454 meters above sea level. The lookout is at an altitude of 3571 meters, which is very high compared to the railway station. The Jungfraujoch (or “Peak of Europe”) is nicknamed despite the fact that it is not the highest point in Europe. The train station under the Sphinx Observatory, opened in 1912, is connected to the Top of Europe building.

The cable car and train experience was amazing at ARF and the view was amazing. The women exclaimed that it was truly once in a lifetime! And Coco liked it because it was her first time walking on ice. Luckily, Helen brought Coco boots to keep her feet from freezing. It was summer, so they didn’t bring him warm clothes because they didn’t expect it to be so cold. Coco shivered in the snow-covered mountains with all three thin heads and Helena’s scarf! :/

Another memorable moment was in Zurich when Coco was with him

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