Dog Trips Near Me

Dog Trips Near Me

Dog Trips Near Me – Thinking of taking your dog from Singapore to Europe? ARRRFF, Little Coco Bean’s wet nose smells my friend from Singapore!

I left my alpha marks all over Europe. I returned to Europe more than a year after starting my nomadic journey and living in strict lockdown in Catalonia during the pandemic. Before the first international flight to Paris in 2016, very few people influenced dog travel blogs or dog travelers. International dog travel is exploding these days, and taking your dog to Europe is nothing new. For Americans like me and my compatriots, traveling back and forth in Europe is easy for the first newspapers.

Dog Trips Near Me

Dog Trips Near Me

However, for countries like Singapore that have strict dog import requirements, vacationing in Europe with your dog can be very complicated and require tedious planning. So a trip to and from Singapore is a long trip and a

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Dare My elegant tail wagging my little grain experience in Singapore, a toy poodle flew to Frankfurt, Germany and got 5 E.U. successfully returned to Singapore without quarantine, keeping the country on its toes. Keep sniffing to learn more about Coco

Little Coco Bean is a 3.2kg toy poodle that was adopted at one year old.

Life in Singapore. She is so kind because she shares her daughter’s bed, has her own refrigerator cabinet and even has a small closet in her office! His predecessor in adoption

These days, Coco can be found sleeping in her cozy dog ​​bed or a large human bed. And its dedicated fridge compartment is stocked with fresh food and homemade products – from raw to cooked meals and meals, it’s always stocked to satisfy the appetites of this little furry foodie.

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, Helen and her husband try to control her diet to keep her healthy for a long time

He is Eleni’s biggest inspiration in everyday life, giving her a reason to wake up every day at work. Helen strives to provide her with the best possible health care, lavish meals, beautiful clothes, spa treatments, delicious meals and a lavish vacation-filled lifestyle. It is not necessary

, the two are inseparable! Helen loved every time Coco, her adorable puppy, looked lovingly in her eyes and warmed her heart. πŸ™‚

Dog Trips Near Me

The process before Eleni left took about four months. As you can imagine, there is a lot of paperwork to fill out and medical requirements to be met in Europe and Singapore. Helen had to make sure Coco got her carrier used to long-haul flights, which meant spending time on carrier training. Luckily, Coco has been potty trained since she was a baby, so she can usually pee and pee whenever she wants. So I relaxed before going to the bathroom at the airport and got on the plane without any problems.

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They spend many sleepless nights reading and studying quarantine requirements due to strict quarantine controls, including rabies vaccination, rabies serological tests and all the paperwork. This is the most important step because they don’t want to risk Koko being quarantined in a foreign country and/or returning to Singapore. Many countries require rabies vaccinations, annual primary vaccinations, etc. before they arrive. So, if you are planning to take your dog abroad, make sure all the documents are filled out correctly.

For Eleni, the most difficult step was planning the schedules and paperwork required in the foreign country and in Singapore.

The last thing he wants is for Coco to be quarantined upon his return to Singapore (or unable to enter a foreign country upon arrival) due to his weakness.

Another challenge is circumstances beyond your control, e.g. You cannot predict or control how your dog will behave if he is uncomfortable with constant engine noise due to increased air pressure or severe hearing loss. Additionally, dogs must behave (no barking or growling) on ​​board and must remain in the pet carrier for the duration of the flight. Plus, you never know if your front, back, or next-door neighbors are dog-sensitive. They may give you a hard time. πŸ™

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In addition, Helen and her husband had to find pet-friendly accommodation in Europe, as not all hotels are dog-friendly. Fortunately, they know that about 70% of European hotels are dog-friendly, which makes things easier.

Coco follows a raw or homemade diet, so plan your meals ahead of time. However, this means they must find accommodation with a kitchenette where they can store suitable food in the hotel fridge.

First, you need to microchip your dog. Microchipping can be done by any accredited veterinarian for a nominal fee. A microchip is a unique, permanent ID that permanently includes your dog’s name and contact information.

Dog Trips Near Me

After microchipping your dog, the next step is to vaccinate your dog against rabies. Rabies vaccination should be given after microchipping and not before. The minimum vaccination time is at least 21 days before your dog’s arrival in the EU. Your dog must be at least 12 weeks old (although there are some exceptions for younger dogs).

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Singapore is a “registered” country, so your dog does not need to be blood tested for rabies antibodies to enter the EU.

Usually, an accredited vet will provide a veterinary health certificate in their office – be sure to ask. If not, you must print the certificate and bring it to the vet. Before going to the vet, make sure to print the correct health certificate from your country of origin. Also check that the certificate is for non-commercial transport of animals.

When traveling from a non-EU country such as Singapore, your dog must have an EU animal health certificate issued by an official veterinarian in the destination country no later than 10 days after it has not yet arrived in the EU.

This certificate is valid between EU countries for 4 months or until the rabies vaccine expires.

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In addition, you must complete and attach to the EU health certificate a written declaration of non-commercial removal. This notice is also required if your pet is traveling under the responsibility of your authorized person. In this case, your pet must be reunited with you within 5 days of evacuation.

If you are traveling with your dog to Finland, Ireland, Malta, Norway or Northern Ireland, you must be treated for Echinococcus tapeworm 24-120 hours before travel. All treatment information must be included in the pet’s passport or EU health certificate.

Helen and her husband Coco were relieved and proud that the trip went well. Unlike some crying babies and noisy children, he didn’t make noise or disturb the other passengers. In fact, some passengers didn’t even know Coco was on board until they got off!

Dog Trips Near Me

Coco is not an assistance dog or emotional support animal (ESA), so she had to stay in a pet carrier for the 13-hour flight to Germany unless she was being taken to the toilet. He is mostly a dog and likes to lie down, dream and not do much at home (apart from taking care of Helen’s work). He is an energetic little dog and Eleni believes this trait will make it easier to manage a long trip. If your dog is aggressive, territorial or irritable, you may want to reconsider taking your dog abroad.

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Coco arrived in Frankfurt with her family and rented a jeep and toured Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria and Liechtenstein. A total of 5 countries in almost 3 weeks!

Coco’s most memorable moment in Europe was Jungfraujoch (Switzerland), the highest railway station on the continent at 3,454 meters above sea level. The observatory is 3571 meters above sea level, which is very high for a railway station. The Jungfraujoch (or “Peak of Europe”) gave it its nickname, although it is not the highest peak in Europe. Located directly below the Sphinx Observatory, this train station opened in 1912 and is connected to the tallest building in Europe.

The experience of riding the cable car and then transferring to the train is amazing with great views. It was a unique experience, the girls were shaking! It was Coco’s first time walking in snow, so she loved it. Luckily, Eleni brought Coco’s shoes to keep her feet from freezing. It was summer, so they didn’t bring him warm enough clothes because they didn’t expect it to be so cold. Coco in three thin pants and Helen’s scarf shivers in the snowy mountains! :/

It was an unforgettable time in Zurich with Coco

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